Necessary Rebels
Necessary Rebels
Being Your Authentic Self with Olivia Vincenti
Olivia Vincenti joins us again to discuss being our ‘authentic selves’ whilst dealing with the hurts of oppression. We would like to pre-warn our audience that this episode includes content related to racial trauma that some listeners may find distressing.
If you have any concerns about the way you are feeling, please see your General Practitioner or Doctor.
The Mind website has further advice on seeking help for mental health concerns: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/seeking-help-for-a-mental-health-problem/where-to-start/
Black Minds Matter offer free therapy, funded by the organisation for up to 12 sessions (Tel: 0207 720 9110 or email info@blackmindsmatter.co.uk)
For further information on re-evaluation and peer counselling please visit: https://www.co-counseling.org